Clean Architecture is an architectural pattern in software design that emphasizes the separation of concerns, making the codebase more maintainable, testable, and scalable. It organizes the system into layers with clear boundaries, allowing for independent development and deployment of different parts of the system.
Learn More ➜What are the key principles of Clean Architecture?
The key principles of Clean Architecture include separation of concerns, dependency inversion, and organizing the system into layers such as the domain layer, use cases layer, and infrastructure layer. This ensures that the core business logic is independent of external frameworks and tools.
How does Clean Architecture improve maintainability?
Clean Architecture improves maintainability by decoupling the code into distinct layers, making it easier to understand, test, and modify. Each layer has a specific responsibility, reducing the risk of unintended side effects when changes are made.
What is the difference between Clean Architecture and other architectural patterns?
Clean Architecture differs from other architectural patterns by its strict adherence to the separation of concerns and dependency inversion principles. Unlike layered architecture, Clean Architecture ensures that the core business logic is completely independent of external frameworks, user interfaces, and databases, allowing for more flexibility and scalability.